Lab members

prof. dr. Sander Koole

Lab Director, PI

Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, and Full Professor of Mental Health at APH.

dr. Sascha Struijs


Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, Assistant Professor of Mental Health at APH, registered psychologist, and project leader of Caring Universities.

dr. Sophie Hendrikse


Collaborator from Tilburg University, Assistant Professor of Methodology and Statistics at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

prof. dr. Jan Treur


Professor Emeritus of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Science, and Professor Emeritus of Social AI.

dr. ing. Maryam Alimardani


Associate Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, and Associate Professor at the Network Institute, specializing in Human-Agent Interaction and Brain-Computer Interfaces.

Edgar Eler

PhD student

PhD Student in Emotion AI, Systems Architect, with an MSc in Computer Science & Information Technology.

dr. Tara Donker


Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, Associate Professor of Mental Health at APH, Senior Researcher at the University of Freiburg, and founder of ZeroPhobia.

prof. dr. W.F.G. Haselager (Pim)


Collaborator from Radboud University, Professor of Artificial Intelligence, and Principal Investigator at the Donders Centre for Cognition and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour.

Ethel Pruss

PhD student

PhD Student in Emotion Regulation & AI, with an MSc in Cognitive Science & AI.